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World Diabetes Day 2022: These 5 Myths Will Leave You In Shock

Diabetes affects lakhs of people in the country today, and the number of diabetic patients continues to rise. Diabetes is responsible for 2% of all deaths in India, according to the World Health Organization. Diabetes is a chronic disease in which the blood sugar level rises. Diagnosing it and failing to control it can lead to several other serious health problems. It can also cause hypertension, kidney disease, and heart disease. Diabetes myths are also prevalent among the general public. Some people believe that if diabetes develops, it can never be cured, or if both parents have it, the child will also.

5 Myths About Diabetes

Myth 1- Diabetic patients cannot eat sugar

Fact: This is the most common diabetes myth that people believe. People believe that diabetics must live a sugar-free diet for the rest of their lives, but this is not the case. A diabetic patient must take everything in moderation, which may include limiting their intake of sugar or sweet foods. It is not necessary for diabetics to abstain completely from sugar consumption.

Myth 2- Diabetes is incurable

Source: NIH

Fact: Diabetes can be controlled in its early stages. It is manageable, especially in youth, if you follow a healthy diet and exercise on a daily basis. If the blood sugar levels remain normal without treatment, diabetes is considered to be over. In such a case, it is impossible to say that a diabetic patient will always be its patient. Yes, there is always a risk of developing diabetes if blood sugar levels are not kept under control. Diabetes can be avoided by living a healthy lifestyle.

Myth 3-Type 2 diabetes occurs only in obese people

Fact: According to some reports, type 2 diabetes does not only affect obese people. Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle-related problem that can be caused by a variety of factors. It is associated with obesity to a large extent, but this disease does not affect only obese people. Approximately 20% of people with type 2 diabetes are normal or underweight.

Myth 4- Diabetes is a contagious disease

Fact: This is completely incorrect. Diabetes is not a communicable disease. It is classified as a non-communicable disease, which means that it cannot be spread by sneezing or touching a sick person. It cannot be passed from person to person. Diabetes can only be passed down through diabetic parents because genes play a role.

Myth 5- If parents have diabetes, then children will also have it.

Fact: Diabetes is, of course, strongly linked to family history, but it can also be caused by a variety of other risk factors, including increasing age, obesity, a lack of physical activity, a lack of exercise, and poor eating habits. Many people believe that family history is the only risk factor for diabetes, but this disease can occur in people who do not have diabetes in their family. You can avoid diabetes for the rest of your life if you live a healthy lifestyle. Furthermore, there is a strong genetic link between type 2 diabetes and obesity. Genes are inactive in this case, but they become active as a result of the person’s lifestyle, diet, and stress. These genes, however, can be deactivated again through a healthy diet, lifestyle, and stress reduction. Diabetic patients’ children are generally healthy. They are unlikely to develop type 2 diabetes until they are 45 years old. Type 2 diabetes affects only 15-20% of people in such cases.

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