
Simple Bodyweight Exercises as Home Workout

As we continue to work from home, we need a higher focus on our mental and physical health. Since most of us continue to avoid going to Gym due to the Covid-19 pandemic, staying healthy at home has become very important. Home workouts can be fun but a lot of us have the inertia to start. Although simple bodyweight exercises can keep you healthy, they look so easy that many think they might not work.

The biggest excuse that we hear is the lack of proper equipment. We have got accustomed to the gym so much that now it is difficult for us to visualize an exercise routine without the equipment.

WHO recommends a minimum of 60 minutes of activity per week. Here’s a list of few very simple exercises which you can do at home with limited equipment at your disposal.

Knee To Elbow

Home Workout Knee To Elbow

Touching your elbow and the opposite knee and then alternate it with the opposite elbow and knee. This exercise will lead to an increase in breathing rate but help you keep fit overall. Try to perform this activity for 1-2 minutes non-stop and then rest. Repeat it 4-5 times.


Simple Bodyweight Exercises Plank

One of the most popular exercises that not only strengthens your core but also your arms and legs. Balance your body on your forearms keeping your hips and shoulder in one line. Holding the plank for a minimum of 30 seconds is what you should start with but don’t go beyond 60 seconds.


Home Workout Squats

The best way to do this exercise is by placing your feet shoulder apart and bending until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Squats are one of the favorite exercises for all health-centered individuals.

You should bend the knees only as much as is comfortable to you. Gradually you will be able to bend more. Perform up to 5 sets of 10-20 squats with a gap of 1 minute in between the sets.


Home Workout Superman

In this exercise, position your knees under your hips and hands under your shoulders. Lift one arm forward and the opposite leg back. Repeat the same activity with the other hand and leg. This exercise helps strengthen your belly and back muscles. You can perform up to 5 sets of 20-30 stretches with a rest period of 1 minute between two sets.

Chair Dips

Simple Bodyweight Exercises Chair Dips

According to some experts, chair dips are the most effective workout for the triceps. Sit on the edge of the chair or bench and wrap your fingers to the edge of the chair or bench.

Your legs are extended and your feet should be about hip-width apart with the heels touching the ground. Lower your hips to the ground by bending your arms.

Once you have bent as much as you can do comfortably, straighten your arms to pull your body up. You can start with 3 sets of 10 dips and then gradually increase it to 5 sets of 10-20 dips as your triceps get stronger. Remember to give rest to your arms for 1-2 minutes between 2 sets.

There are many more home exercises that can help you stay fit and we will cover them soon. Until then keep yourself fit with these simple bodyweight exercises and keep visiting Piccle for more informative content. Let us know in the comments if you would want us to cover some other topics as well.

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